Welcome To The Site


A very warm welcome to you all at this new site designed to help with your self develoment and well being, as explained in my main site at Learning and Wealth, I am transferring the intended future articles from that site to this one.

Having looked at what I have produced in the past it was a little bit of a “mish mash”,  a cross between learning, wealth and health.

If I get this right this will be purely about your self development and well being.

Having looked at what I have lined up for Parts Four, Five and Six following on from the beginnings in Learning and Wealth, do appear to be on the right track.

For those of you who have never visited any of my sites before will list all the previous articles which appeared in learning and wealth, these can be found at https://learningandwealth.com

Previous Articles

  • Learning and Wealth – The Beginning
  • Review of Wealthy Affiliate in 2019
  • Designing Your Life – From Now
  • Why You Should Set Goals
  • What Are Good and Bad Habits
  • Change Your Spending Habits and Start Saving Money
  • Be Aware of the Scammer
  • Reasons for Having Your Own Website
  • Why Think Positively?
  • Why is Self Development so Imposrtant
  • Using the Internet to Make Money From Home
  • Which Marketing Ideas to Choose
  • PLR – Private Label Righhts
  • Why Social Media will Help Your Website
  • Learning and Wealth – Part Two
  • Plan First to Stop Over Thinking Your Life and Start Living
  • How to Destroy Your Debt
  • What You Should Avoid
  • Develop Your Personality
  • Develop Your Own Website
  • Can You Use Power Point?
  • Attract Visitors to Your Website
  • How to Become an Affiliate Marketing Expert
  • Using Social Media to Market Your Business
  • Learn How to Think Positively
  • 2019 Review of IDPLR
  • Learning and Wealth in Advance of Part Three
  • Do Future Articles Get More Intense?
  • Learning and Wealth – Part Three
  • 1 What are Hashtags?
  • 2 Funnel Building Secrets
  • 3 Autoresponders – E Mails
  • 4 Product Creation Ideas
  • Make Money With Articles
  • 5 In Depth on Private Label Rights
  • 6 Care With Credit Cards
  • Managing Your Time Effectively
  • 7 The Need For A Disciplined Mind
  • 8. Why Meditation is Good For You
  • Get Yourself Organised
  • 9 Review of Createful Journals
  • 10 Recurring Income
  • 11 Why You Need to Sleep
  • Learning to Budget Your Finances
  • Special Article  – A Way to Build a List
  • 12 Increase Your Productivity
  • Learning and Wealth – Part Four – All About Your Motivation
  • Use All You Have
  • 1 Being More Productive Working From Home

Future Articles

The following are the articles which I am planning to produce in the future to continue this theme, these will all be published directly to this website.

  Part Four

  • 2 Staying Motivated
  • 3 Kindness
  • 4 Set Goals
  • 5 Being Organised Can Make Life Easier
  • 6 You Need to go Past Your Comfort Zone
  • 7 The Hurt of Rejection
  • 8 Does Promoting Yourself Make You Feel Uncomfortable?
  • 9 Do You Have an Inferiority Complex? – Look for the Signs
  • 10 Be Careful, the Sign of Being Nice Could Be Dangerous
  • 11 Do You Blame and Critisize Yourself?
  • 12 Do You Live in the Past?

Part Five – Change Your Habits

Part Six – All About Your Self Improvement

As I have done in the past, it is possible that free standing articles will be added where they are needed or requested.


Appreciate that this is a somewhat shorter article than I usually publish, however I felt that it was needed to tie up any loose ends.  This has enabled me to get my sites more focused, allowing a hopwfully better thread, thus enabling you to continue to learn and become wealthy in both spirit, mind and hopefully money.

As usual if you have any comments or suggestions, we will delighted to hear from you, we do appreciate the time that you take to make them.

The next article on this site in approximately three weeks will be “2 – Staying Motivated”

Be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy




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8 thoughts on “Welcome To The Site”

  1. Hi Stuart  &ntmu;, thank you for sharing this with us. I consider that you have incorporated everything for everyone’s understanding. Even for the newbie, if they don’t know what is all about and where to look you have explained it very well. I also consider that self-development everyone should look into it in order to improve their day-to-day wellbeing. I really love to read regarding wellbeing and self-esteem and most of all, the independence that we all should have. I have no further questions, thank you.

    • Hi Angel, many thanks for your kind comments, so pleased that you agre with what I am trying to do on this new site.

      Many thanks


  2. Hi Stuart

    I think this is a great intro into what your intentions are for this site. You have laid it all out very well.

    I have bookmarked the page so I can come back and read more plus I will go back and read some of the articles on your other site.

    I look forward to the Self Improvement posts from you in the future.


  3. Hi Stuart – This is a very helpful outline of quite an accumulation. I like the time based approach because you can post just about anything next time. I’m curious about the reasons for dropping the health category, or is it just going to be blended under well-being?

    I have bookmarked the site – look forward the the inaugural post!


    • Hi Steve, thanks for your comments, have not dropped the Health category as such, it will appear sometime in the future.  Will possibly be blended in, have some decisions to make yet.


  4. Hi there Stuart. It certainly sounds like you know what you want to do with this website and have a clear and vivd plan of how you are going to go about this. I see you have Two lists of articles to be Published. is rthe top list articles you have already published elsewhere? If so, do you have links?

    • Hi, many thanks for your kind comments.  Sorry to confuse you, the two items to be published are in fact Parts Five and Six, which I will do when I have finished part four.  Sorry for any confusion.



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